Market-Entry Assessment
Oil & GasWe provided a well-sourced and fully assessed report on factors relating to the offshore oil sector in a South American country.
The report focussed on issues such as market size, competition, regulatory matters, and risk. The end result was a highly detailed and fully assessed report for top-level executive decision-making.

Special Situation Assessment
AgribusinessA complex enquiry into issues surrounding a major agribusiness investment and an associated dispute over land title in a South American country.
The attitudes of the key protagonists (activists, government officials, politicians, administrators, jurists) were investigated, along with the prospects for a compromise resolution of the legal dispute.

Due Diligence
Defense SectorA ‘red-flag’ due diligence enquiry covering seven Latin American countries into the reputation of a US-based defence contractor and its directors.
Eight independent enquiry agents were deployed.

Power and Influence Mapping
Oil & GasOur investigation established the answers to a series of ‘core questions’ on the configuration of power and influence within the oil and gas sector, and how most effectively to engage with these elements.

Political RiskOur trusted in-country sources kept a watching brief and conducted new lines of enquiry according to changing needs or circumstances in the run up to a nation-defining election.

Due Diligence
Infrastructure CompanyA due diligence enquiry into 30-plus Latin American subsidiaries of a major European infrastructure company for a potential investor.

Due Diligence
Power-generation CompanyAn enquiry into the commercial prospects of a local power generation company in a small Latin American economy on behalf of a potential investor.

Competitor Analysis
TelecommunicationsWe provided considered expert analysis of key developments relating to competitors in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico.

Special Situation Assessment
Crisis ResponseRapid deployment on in-country assets to report the impact of an earthquake on interests in a South American country.